Unique electronic test request management system from Olympus

13 Sept 2007

Olympus has introduced a new pathology test request management system, RequestVision™, to streamline the complete process of patient test ordering through to laboratory results. Frequently, insufficient appointment lengths, transcription errors and test duplication contribute to considerable bottlenecks in GP workload when dealing with test requests. Within the laboratory, these common issues delay sample processing and ultimately final result delivery by taking up qualified staff’s time with needless data entry. Using innovative barcode technology, RequestVision dramatically reduces administration time and importantly improves patient care by shortening test turnaround times.

The unique RequestVision design enables GP’s to efficiently order patient tests by automatically logging orders with the laboratory via a completely electronic web based system. With Olympus’ revolutionary patient identification barcode technology, sample recognition at the laboratory is made quick and easy. The adhesive barcode is printed directly by the GP and attached immediately to the sample, this contains all data the laboratory requires to fulfill the test request. A quick scan of this barcode at the laboratory instantly populates the patient’s details in the Laboratory Information System, removing the need for time consuming manual data input.

By eradicating traditional paper request forms, the simple point-and-click order system already integrated into the existing GP management systems present at the GP surgery makes data transfer instantaneous. RequestVision eliminates manual data entry and transcription errors, and the inappropriate use of qualified staff in data entry. It also ensures sample, request and patient are matched with error-free precision from request-to-result with its unique patient barcodes. The quick turn around created by improved data processing benefits everyone, especially at peak periods when laboratories receive an influx of GP requests.

“Olympus is addressing the crucial issues of improving patient care by reducing turnaround times and eliminating manual data entry errors with GP RequestVision,” said Pru Layton, Strategic Accounts Development Manager at Olympus. “We are very excited to be able to offer end-to-end management with our web based GP test request management system. With 50% of most laboratory workloads being GP requests, complete electronic GP requesting is not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’”.

