World’s first miniature multiplexed capillary UV detector in New Exhibitors Area at Pittcon 2007

5 Jan 2007

Paraytec will be exhibiting the ActiPix® D100 miniature UV imaging detector in the New Products Area during Pittcon 2007.

The patented technology exploits capillaries as both sample cells and optical elements, providing inherent spatial separation of sample and reference beams and allowing a unique self-referencing system in a miniature format.

The ActiPix® D100 is ideal for capillary LC and CE systems giving high sensitivity detection without sacrificing spatial resolution. Imaging of single or multiple capillaries is readily achieved on a single sensor, unlike current commercial UV detectors. Applications include monitoring nanoscale biocatalytic reactions, simultaneous quantification and measurement of size of both small molecules and biomolecules, coupling with LC or CE-MS. The detector has low noise and a linear dynamic range up to five orders of magnitude.

Please visit us on Stand 514 or for more information or contact us.

