CRISPR expands horizons of genetic engineering
Uncover the technology allowing scientists to push boundaries in genetic engineering
Uncover the technology allowing scientists to push boundaries in genetic engineering
Combined expertise will accelerate industry adoption of physiologically-relevant cell models for drug discovery
Showcasing select automated instruments and capabilities at Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening Europe 2022 Conference and Exhibition in Dublin, Ireland
The modular, automated 3D cell culture and image analysis lab enables customers to streamline and scale organoid interrogation, advancing drug discovery research
Neuroscientists can now screen over 3,000 neurons from a NeuroHTS microplate in under 30 minutes with the ImageXpress Pico Automated Cell Imaging System
More than 305,000 high-resolution, multi-channel COVID-19 cellular images are now available to the scientific community
The new ImageXpress Pico system offers cellular imaging acquisition and at an affordable price point
ImageXpress Nano System makes automated imaging accessible for every lab conducting cellular imaging research
ImageXpress and MetaXpress High-Content Toolset enables breakthrough Three-Dimensional assay development and Screening Workflow for cellular research