A Fruitful Approach To Polysaccharide Characterization from Malvern Instruments
CP Kelco reveals how GPC/SEC supports its manufacture of high performance biopolymers
CP Kelco reveals how GPC/SEC supports its manufacture of high performance biopolymers
The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA, combines Raman microscopy with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to study archaeological textiles and fibers
Beckman Coulter Expands Innovative Solutions for the Monitoring of HIV and AIDS in Africa
Scientists have repaired a damaged liver in a mouse by transplanting stem cells grown in the laboratory
To find out more about their comprehensive range of clinical chemistry, visit them at booth #1018.
New software connects public health laboratories with MicrobeNet database to advance infectious disease surveillance
Keynote features Robert Thomas, 40-year veteran in the field of elemental analysis.
Collaboration addresses a critical need in biopharmaceutical industry
New sample preparation products for microbiological analysis highlighted on Booth Number 523
An experimental cystic fibrosis drug has been shown to prevent the disease’s damage to the liver, thanks to a world-first where scientists grew mini bile ducts in the lab.