6 upcoming webinars to optimize your workflows
Discover the latest tools and techniques to expand your research capacity with expert-led presentations on immune profiling, clinical diagnostics, IT connectivity, precision medicine, and more
Discover the latest tools and techniques to expand your research capacity with expert-led presentations on immune profiling, clinical diagnostics, IT connectivity, precision medicine, and more
Scientists and clinicians come together online to share knowledge and discuss technology solutions in the field of microbiology and infectious disease
Discover the latest tools and techniques to expand your research capacity with expert-led presentations on spatial profiling, data management, analytical chromatography, and more
Catch up on talks led by world-class clinicians and scientists on the latest research, top techniques, and innovative technology
Join us online, May 17th, to discover the latest developments in the fields of microbiology and infectious disease
The BIOFIRE solution is a U.S. FDA-cleared and CE-marked closed multiplex PCR and fully automated system that integrates sample preparation, amplification, and detection
Catch up on some of the most exciting advancements in clinical microbiology and infectious disease presented at ECCMID 2022
Study in over 20,000 Canadian adults hospitalized with COVID-19 finds vaccination with at least one dose is linked with a significantly lower risk of ICU admission and death
Analysis of antimicrobial resistance in 271 US hospitals finds higher rates of antibiotic-resistant infections in both COVID-19 patients and SARS-COV-2 negative patients admitted during the pandemic compared to pre-pandemic
The report provides real-world treatment and outcome data for 850,000 US adults hospitalized with COVID-19 over 20 months of the pandemic
Trial results presented at ECCMID show potential of Actiphage for risk stratification in those with latent TB
Blood test could be used to identify patients most likely to become severely ill before they deteriorate
The researchers were able to build a decision tree to predict COVID-19 patients at risk of a poor prognosis
Nursery children were found to be exposed to the greatest variety of pathogens and the highest concentrations compared to other groups investigated
An electronic questionnaire was used to gather information about sick leave and side effects from the 1,797 healthcare workers
SelectScience editors will be covering ECCMID 2022 so you can be sure not to miss out on top technology stories, product launches and latest research news from the event
Connecting the clinical science community through a unique online conference – reserve your free place today
The MDW-SARS CoV-2 application has shown to aid A&E patients
Meet the women who are making a critical impact in the fields of food science, nanomedicine, and healthcare
Researchers at Manchester and York universities have highlighted the disparity in the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
Researchers simulate the transmission of variants and effects of health measures
Increased sample throughput and consistency in COVID-19 and other swab-based tests is supported through use of the novel RHINOstic Automated Nasal Swab
App and lab kit can turn your smartphone into a COVID-19 and flu virus detection test
Discover how an innovator in drug and explosives detection was able to adapt its portable technology to aid COVID-19 diagnostics
In this free on-demand webinar, discover how a new AST technology helps clinical microbiology labs fast forward their results