Products & ReviewLife Sciences

SERVA Lightning Red for 1D SDS PAGE

SERVA Electrophoresis GmbH43401Available: Worldwide

Fluorescent pre-labelling of proteins in 1D SDS  PAGE, no more staining/washing

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SERVA Lightning Red is a fluorescent dye for rapid labelling of proteins prior to SDS PAGE, making any staining and washing steps after electrophoresis un­necessary.

In addition the dye is fully compatible with mass spectrometry and other downstream methods like Western Blotting. SERVA Lightning Red is compatible with all additives typically used for sample solubilisation and protein extraction, including reductants like dithiothreitol (DTT) and dithioerythreitol (DTE). The shift of the electrophoretic mobility in SDS electrophoresis is very low; migration differences between labelled and non-labelled proteins could not be detected. This is due to the small mass addition of only 288 Da per bound molecule and the low hydrophobicity of the dye.


  • No staining and washing steps after the run.
  • Direct detection, no over-staining effects.
  • Very high sensitivity (< 0.5 ng BSA).
  • Fully WB/MS compatible.

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