Using advanced high-throughput flow cytometry to accelerate immuno-oncology drug discovery

Sartorius Intellicyt addresses challenges such as high cost and purification difficulties and presents possible solutions

18 Nov 2019
Laura Sisman
Administrator / Office Personnel

Immuno-oncology, which centers around using the body’s own immune system to fight cancer, is seen as an increasingly significant and effective therapy.

However, although advances in the field have been rapid, challenges remain, such as prohibitive costs and an inability to produce high quantities of purified immune cells.

One especially significant area of active research is to investigate the wide discrepancy between the treatment responses exhibited by different patients.

With more traditional methods proving limited, Sartorius Intellicyt has published an article addressing challenges in the field and exploring how to overcome them using advanced high-throughput flow cytometry.

To find out more download the article here.

