Products & ReviewLife Sciences

AstraGene - for the routine laboratory analysis of nucleic acids and proteins

AstraGene has been developed for the routine laboratory analysis of nucleic acids and proteins. With its specially developed through-the-tip measurement technology, your precious samples will never leave the pipette tip – speeding up analysis and protecting your sample. This simple system makes your work-flow as easy as just taking up the 2µl sample with the pipette, placing the pipette and tip in the holder and selecting th…

AstraNet Systems Ltd

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AstraGene has been developed for the routine laboratory analysis of nucleic acids and proteins. With its specially developed through-the-tip measurement technology, your precious samples will never leave the pipette tip – speeding up analysis and protecting your sample.

This simple system makes your work-flow as easy as just taking up the 2µl sample with the pipette, placing the pipette and tip in the holder and selecting the ‘measure’ option. The sample can then be recovered, with no risk of contamination, for further processing or other analysis.

Product Overview
