Products & ReviewLife Sciences

LightCycler® 1536 Real-Time PCR System

LightCycler® 1536 Real-Time PCR System from Roche Applied Science - High Throughput - Redefined Forge ahead into a new era in high-throughput real-time PCR with the new LightCycler® 1536 RT-PCR Instrument. Precisely engineered for miniaturization and parallelization, this latest innovation reinforces Roche Applied Science as a global expert in real-time PCR. Take advantage of over ten years of publication-proven expertise with…

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LightCycler® 1536 Real-Time PCR System from Roche Applied Science - High Throughput - Redefined

Forge ahead into a new era in high-throughput real-time PCR with the new LightCycler® 1536 RT-PCR Instrument. Precisely engineered for miniaturization and parallelization, this latest innovation reinforces Roche Applied Science as a global expert in real-time PCR.

Take advantage of over ten years of publication-proven expertise with the next generation of groundbreaking LightCycler® Instrument technology, and break free from the limitations of the past.

Advantages of the LightCycler 1536 Real-Time PCR System:

  • Increase single-run throughput fourfold
  • Generate 1536 data points in less than 50 minutes, with consistent sensitivity and accuracy
  • Cut your cost per data point in half
  • Benefit from next-generation miniturization that allows lower volumes of reagents and sample
  • Acquire raw data you can trust
  • Maintain continuity and comparability with your legacy results, even at extremely low reaction volumes

The LightCycler® 1536 RT-PCR System builds on the high-performance optical and block cycler technologies of the proven LightCycler® 480 System. New features of the LightCycler® 1536 System include a unique 1536-well plate design, streamlined software, and the next generation of premium reagents.

Product Overview