Products & ReviewLife Sciences

Mosaic™ ELISA Human Cytokine Panel 1

The Mosaic ELISA Human Cytokine Panel 1 is an excellent tool for the detection of 8 different cytokines in the same sample. Mosaic ELISA kits employ multiplex microarray technology to provide an accurate, efficient, and economical alternative to conducting multiple traditional ELISA experiments. Cytokines are pleiotropic extracellular signaling molecules that influence myriad physiological and pathological processes. Released…


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The Mosaic ELISA Human Cytokine Panel 1 is an excellent tool for the detection of 8 different cytokines in the same sample. Mosaic ELISA kits employ multiplex microarray technology to provide an accurate, efficient, and economical alternative to conducting multiple traditional ELISA experiments.

Cytokines are pleiotropic extracellular signaling molecules that influence myriad physiological and pathological processes. Released from a variety of cells, their actions affect cellular growth, differentiation, gene expression, migration, immunity, and inflammation. In most biological processes, multiple cytokines operate in a large network where the action of one cytokine is regulated by the presence or absence of other cytokines. Studying the underlying signaling cascades is further complicated by the fact that many cytokines modulate the production of other cytokines.

Product Features
• 96-well microplate-based assay
• Simultaneously detects 8 analytes
• Validated for cell culture supernates, serum, and plasma
• Requires small sample size (25 µL*)
• Takes 4.5 hours to run
• Amenable to high-throughput
• 320 data points per microplate (40 samples in duplicate plus 2 standard curves)
*Serum/plasma/platelet-poor plasma samples require a 2-fold dilution.

Kit Contents
• Each well is spotted with 8 capture antibodies
• Each well is spotted with 1 reference spot
• Cocktail of Purified Protein Standards
• Detection Antibodies
• Diluent & Wash Buffers
• Substrate Reagents
• Plate Covers

Product Overview
