Drug discovery > Basic Research Products & Reviews

Products, services, reviews and techniques used in the preliminary investigations of the disease; the cell biology, genetics and protein pathways using tissue culture, cloning and imaging.

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Drug discovery > Basic Research
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Cloning Platform – Single Cell Cloning and Imaging


The Cloning Platform is a complete workflow solution for single-cell cloning. It offers automated handling of miniturised culture volumes as low as 200 nL and easy confirmation of monoclonality on day 0. Gentle handling with built-in programs for plating cells, feeding colonies, and harvesting clones maximises cloning efficiencies. With imaging and fluorescence options available, there's a configuration to suit your needs. 

|2 Reviews

isoCell – Single Cell Cloning Automation


The isoCell helps automate your single-cell cloning experiments without complex protocols. This instrument miniturises cell culture volumes and almost eliminates all manual pipetting steps. Utilising our GRID technology, users can confidently confirm monoclonality on day 0. With a compact footprint and easy-to-use interface, the isoCell is one of the smallest but most powerful instruments for single-cell cloning available. 

|0 Reviews