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3D Collagen Culture Kit


ECM675 uses purified chicken type I collagen in 6mM acetate buffer pH 7.0. The product is 99.9% pure native atelomeric avian collagen. Approximately 85% type I and 15% type III collagen protein. The material has been specially prepared to maintain its native state as much as possible. The telomeric ends of the collagen I have been enzymatically removed. Since most of the species identity is found within the telomeric ends, our…

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MDR1 Efflux Assay


The Multidrug Resistance Direct Dye Efflux Assay Kit includes two of the best characterized and most commonly used multidrug resistance ABC transporter substrates, DiOC2(3) and rhodamine 123. The kit enables researchers to directly assess the functional activity of the MDR1, MRP1 and BCRP membrane pumps in living cells under physiologic conditions by directly measuring the relative fluorescence of cell populations that activel…

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Actin Cytoskeleton / Focal Adhesion Staining Kit


CHEMICON's Actin Cytoskeleton and Focal Adhesion Staining Kit is a very sensitive immunocytochemical tool that contains fluorescent-labeled phalloidin (TRITC-conjugated phalloidin) to map the local orientation of actin filaments within cell and a mouse monoclonal antibody to Vinculin that is very specific for the staining of focal contacts in cells.

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Mast Cell Degranulation Assay Kit


Chemicon's Mast Cell Degranulation Assay Kit provides a simple and convenient means for assaying tryptase activity. The assay is based on spectophotometric detection of the chromophore p-nitroaniline (pNA) after cleavage from the labeled substrate tosyl-gly-pro-lys-pNA. The free pNA can then be quantified using a spectrophotometer or a microtiter plate reader at 405 nm. A pNA Standard is provided as a comparison control.

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Neurite Outgrowth Assay Kit (3 μm)


CHEMICON's NS220 Neurite Outgrowth Assay Kit (3 µm) utilizes microporous tissue culture insert technology from EMD Millipore and is based on the use of Millicell cell culture inserts (chambers) containing a permeable membrane with 3-μm pores at the base. The Millicell inserts utilized in this kit are appropriate for cells projecting neurites of up to 3 µm diameter, e.g. N1E-115 cells [Abe et al., 2003], Dorsal Root Ganglia and…

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Neurite Outgrowth Assay Kit (1 μm)


CHEMICON's NS225 Neurite Outgrowth Assay Kit (1 μm) utilizes microporous tissue culture insert technology from EMD Millipore and is based on the use of Millicell cell culture inserts (chambers) containing a permeable membrane with 1 μm pores at the base. With this system, it is possible to screen numerous biological and pharmacological agents simultaneously, directly evaluate adhesion and guidance receptor functions responsibl…

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ApopTag® Equilibration Buffer


ApopTag® Equilibration Buffer is intended for use in labeling the 3'-OH ends of fragmented DNA during apoptotic cell detection. Qualified for use with Apoptag® In Situ Apoptosis Detection Kits

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ApopTag® TdT Enzyme


ApopTag® Terminal deoxynucleotidyl Transferase (TdT) is a recombinant enzyme intended for use in labeling the 3'-OH ends of fragmented DNA during apoptotic cell detection. Qualified for use with Apoptag® In Situ Apoptosis Detection Kits

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ApopTag® Positive Control Slides, rat mammary gland 4d post weaning


Rat mammary gland undergoes programmed cell death processes during the tissue regression that follows lactation. Apoptotic bodies, which can be seen by routine histologic staining, can be specifically stained by techniques that localize DNA strand breaks in situ. The specificity of staining for strand breaks can thus be correlated with the morphological changes that define the process of apoptosis.

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