Drug discovery > Basic Research Products & Reviews

Products, services, reviews and techniques used in the preliminary investigations of the disease; the cell biology, genetics and protein pathways using tissue culture, cloning and imaging.

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Cleaver Scientific Ltd

The miniRapide is a completely self contained system designed for quick checks of samples. Gel casting, running and analysis are all performed in the same ultra compact unit. Buffer and gel volumes have been kept to a minimum and the parallel electrode arrangement allows ultra efficient current transfer, enabling resolution to be completed within 30 minutes. The UV transparent base allows direct viewing on a UV Transillumina…

|1 Review


bioMérieux USA

The VITEK 2 is a fully automated system that performs bacterial identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing. The system also includes a highly advanced software system that then interprets the identified bacteria's antibiotic resistance patterns.

|31 Reviews

siPORT™ NeoFX™ Transfection Agent

Ambion Inc

Versatile — works with a broad range of cell lines Reproducible — produces consistent results, lot-to-lot, plate-to-plate, and well-to-well Efficient — performs with high siRNA transfection efficiency, allowing use of low siRNA concentrations to minimize nonspecific effects Fast — reverse-transfects cells as they are plated, saving a day

|4 Reviews

Apoptotic DNA-Ladder Kit

For the characterization of cell death through agarose-gel electrophoresis.PrincipleBlood or cell lysis is accomplished by incubating the sample with the special Binding/Lysis Buffer. The sample is centrifuged through a column that contains glass fiber fleece. In the Binding/Lysis Buffer, nucleic acids quickly and preferentially bind to the surface of the glass fibers. The Washing Buffer rinses away salts, proteins, and other…

|1 Review

Cytotoxicity Detection KitPLUS (LDH)

Application The Cytotoxicity Detection KitPLUS (LDH) is a fast, sensitive, and simple method to quantitate cytotoxicity/cytolysis based on the measurement of LDH activity released from damaged cells using the 96-well or 384-well plate format. The kit can be used in many different in vitro cell systems when damage to the plasma membrane occurs. For example: Detection and quantification of cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Deter…

|1 Review

FuGENE 6 Transfection Reagent

Roche FuGENE 6 Transfection Reagent is a non-liposomal multicomponent reagent well-suited for experiments involving cellular analysis. Due to the simple methodology of FuGENE 6 Transfection Reagent, minimal optimization, low cytotoxicity, and ability to provide high transfection efficiency even in the presence of serum, it is one of the standard transfection reagents in many different laboratories around the world. With a ment…

|16 Reviews

FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase, 5 U/µl

FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase is a thermostable, chemically modified form of recombinant Taq DNA Polymerase. This enzyme delivers superior results thanks to its unique enzyme design and optimized buffer system. FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase is inactive at temperatures below 75°C, but is activated by a 2- to 4-minute incubation step at 95°C. PCR Hot Start PCR RT-PCR Benefits Insist on higher specificity, sensitivity…

|1 Review

Expand Long Range dNTPack

Upgrade from the Expand Long Template PCR System and choose the new Expand Long Range dNTPack for consistent amplification of long PCR products. Generate PCR products of 5 to 25 kb from genomic DNA with this next-generation system from the company that pioneered long-template PCR. This specially designed PCR system combines a single buffer set for all product sizes, ultrapure PCR-grade nucleotide mix, and an optimized blend of…

|1 Review

High Pure RNA Isolation Kit

The kit is designed for the preparation of total RNA mini-preps (free of contaminating DNA) from cultured cells. Other sample materials like blood, yeast, and bacteria require a pre-lysis treatment. The purified and intact RNA is of high quality, and is suitable for RT-PCR and northern blotting, RNase protection, or primer-extension experiments. Up to 24 samples can be simultaneously processed in approximately 1 hour. Benefit…

|1 Review

Finnigan LCQ Advantage MAX

Thermo Fisher Scientific

The new Finnigan LCQ Advantage MAX delivers high productivity LC/MS/MS analysis in a routine HPLC environment. Product detail: The Finnigan LCQ Advantage is the workhorse ion trap mass spectrometer for high productivity LC/MS/MS results and is easily upgraded to MSn performance. The Finnigan LCQ Advantage MAX now features the universal Ion Max source that allows simple tool-less switching of ionization probes. Ion Sweep Gas…

|7 Reviews