Forensics Products & Reviews

To uncover the crucial information for criminal investigations and legal proceedings, forensic analysts rely on sophisticated methodologies that yield objective and scientifically grounded insights. These approaches include DNA analysis, fingerprinting, ballistics, and toxicology. Explore how robust forensic analysis empowers law enforcement agencies and legal professionals to solve crimes and uphold justice.

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Visitron TIRF system

Photon Lines Ltd

The VisiTIRF Fluorescence Imaging System from Visitron Systems is the ideal solution for the analysis of finest structures or surfaces. The flexibility of the VisiTIRF system and the use of scientific digital CCD camera systems with optimal resolution, speed and sensitivity allows for the adaptation of customized application and configuration. For fluorescence illumination Visitron use solid state lasers or laser diodes . The…

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Micro-Incubation System (DH-40iL)

Warner Instrument Corp.

The DH-40iL Microincubator is designed for imaging live cells under constant temperature and atmospheric conditions. This versatile incubation system enables high resolution image analysis, fluorescence microscopy, and time-lapse imaging studies while accommodating both upright and inverted microscopes. Designed to provide complete environment control for either the Series 40 open bath chambers or 35 mm cell culture dishes. E…

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Bold Line Top Stage Incubator H301


The Bold Line Top Stage Incubator H301 is the latest release from OKOLAB in terms of Top Stage incubation. It delivers superior temperature stability, humidity, CO2 and Oxygen control in a fully integrated fashion. The Bold Line Top Stage Incubator H301 Equipment: Incubating Chamber: fits in the microscope stage and holds the specimen. It is equipped with heated glass lid and Temperature and Humidity sensors. T Unit: Bo…

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Water Jacket Top Stage Incubator H101


The Water Jacket Incubator provides superior incubation stability above and below room temperature. Water is pumped from a water bath into the base plate and into the lid, which are both Water Jackets. Temperature Control Mechanism Temperature is directly measured inside a reference Petri-dish and is controlled by circulating water from a water bath into the Water Jacket Chamber. The Temeprature Controller reads the temperatur…

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UNO-PLUS All-in-one single specimen incubator with the size of a Multi Well plate. UNO-PLUS Features: All-in-one temperature/humidity/CO2 incubator Top Stage Incubator with the footprint of a Multi Well Plate Fits in any XY stage, with the additon of the Multi Well Plate holder (supplied by the stage manufacturer or by Okolab) Specimen holders for #1 35mm dish, #1 glass slide or #1 chambered coverglass Heated Glass Cov…

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aurora Elite ICP-MS

Bruker CAM

Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) The Science of sensitivity Bruker's ICP-MS is famous for its innovative and unique technology and has now been further refined to meet the ever increasing demands of latest application and laboratory requirements. Bruker's aurora M90 continues to be the workhorse for the routine laboratory, now with additional and improved characteristics. In addition to the aurora M90, Bru…

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Model 3000 Annular Dark Field Detector

E.A. Fischione Instrumental Inc.

High-resolution STEM imaging The Model 3000 Annular Dark Field (ADF) Detector is ideal for high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) imaging. It allows simultaneous high angle ADF imaging and electron energy less spectroscopy (EELS). It has single electron detection capabilities and high quantum efficiency. The detector is pneumatically retractable from the beam path. Atomic-resolution imaging and Z-cont…

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Model 190 Cryo-Can for SEM

E.A. Fischione Instrumental Inc.

Provides clean environment for SEM The Cryo-Can provides a clean environment for SEM sample imaging and analysis. It helps eliminate chamber contamination resulting from sample outgassing and other sources. The Cryo-Can improves both imaging and analytical data quality. It is ideal for high beam current applications. Uses SEM vacuum system The Cryo-Can vacuum container is readily connected to one of the SEM chamber ports and d…

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Model 1040 NanoMill® TEM specimen preparation system

E.A. Fischione Instrumental Inc.

Revolutionary ultra-low-energy, concentrated ion beam Fischione’s Model 1040 NanoMill® TEM specimen preparation system is an excellent tool for creating the high-quality thin specimens needed for advanced transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging and analysis. It is ideal for both post-FIB (focused ion beam) processing and the enhancement of conventionally prepared specimens. Targeted, ultra-low-energy NanoMillingsm proce…

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Automatic Twin-Jet Electropolisher

E.A. Fischione Instrumental Inc.

High-quality thin foils for TEM Electrolytic thinning of conductive materials is an effective method of quickly producing specimens for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) without any induced artifacts. In the Model 110 Twin-Jet Electropolisher, twin jets simultaneously polish both sides of the sample, creating electron transparent specimens within a few minutes. The Electropolisher features easily adjustable electrolyte fl…

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