Drug discovery > Target Discovery Products & Reviews

Products, services, reviews and techniques used in the identification and validation of the disease-causing target genes and proteins.

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Rho Activation Assay Kit


A GST-tagged fusion protein, corresponding to residues 7-89 of mouse Rhotekin Rho Binding Domain, expressed in E. coli. Provided bound to glutathione-agarose. Purity 90%.

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Tyrosine Kinase Assay Kit, Colorimetric Detection


This non-radioactive kinase assay kit is a two-stage peptide phosphorylation/colorimetric detection assay kit. In the first stage, a biotinylated substrate peptide containing tandem repeats of Poly (Glu4-Tyr) is incubated with a tyrosine kinase enzyme sample in the presence of non-radioactive ATP and a Mn2+/Mg2+ co-factor cocktail. The kinase assay can be performed with substrate peptide either in solution, or bound to the wel…

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Histone Deacetylase Assay Kit (HDAC)


This kit contains nonradioactive components for radiolabeling and purifying histone H4 peptide with [3H]-acetyl CoA. The radiolabeled peptide is a suitable substrate for assay of HDAC activity. HeLa nuclear extract, which is rich in histone deacetylase activity, is included as a positive control. The HDAC inhibitor sodium butyrate is provided to demonstrate specificity of the deacetylase activity.

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HDAC Assay Kit, fluorometric detection


This assay is a simple two-step procedure performed in a microtiter plate. In the first step samples are incubated with the HDAC assay substrate, allowing deacetylation of the fluorometric substrate. Next, Activator Solution releases a fluorophore from the deacetylated substrate or standard.

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Raf-1 Kinase Cascade Assay Kit


This kit is designed to measure the phosphotransferase activity in a kinase cascade reaction initiated by activated Raf-1. Recombinant unactive MEK1 is the substrate for Raf-1. Once activated by Raf-1, MEK1 can phosphorylate and thereby activate another kit component, recombinant unactive MAP Kinase 2/Erk2. Activation of MAP Kinase 2/Erk2 is determined by phosphorylation of myelin basic protein (MBP), in vitro. Phosphorylation…

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B-Raf Kinase Cascade Assay Kit


The assay kit is designed to measure B-Raf dependent phosphotransferase activity in a kinase cascade reaction using recombinant MEK1, unactive as a B-Raf substrate. Recombinant MAPK2/Erk2, unactive is phosphorylated and activated by the activated MEK1 leading to phosphorylation of a MAP Kinase substrate, myelin basic protein (MBP). [γ-32P]ATP is the final phosphate donor.

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B-Raf Kinase Assay Kit, Chemiluminescence Detection


Intended for the assay of recombinant B-Raf (supplied) kinase activity with experimental variables as determined by the user. For assay of B-Raf activity from a cell lysate, we recommend an immunoprecipitation-kinase assay, using anti-B-Raf antibody (07-453).

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