Gel Electrophoresis Chambers Products & Reviews
Gel Electrophoresis Chambers
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Labtech InternationalThe SageHLS provides unique electrophoretic method for purifying high molecular weight DNA. Using a cell suspension input, DNA is extracted and immobilized on an agarose surface. This is followed by an enzymatic-mediated fragmentation and automated DNA size selection and collection. The platform features the HLS-CATCH process which employs Cas9 mediated targeting of specific genome targets up to 400kb in length.
Hitachi Software Engineering Europe S.A.The dual-sided gel electrophoresis apparatus system is the perfect tool to increase you sample data analysis, which can process two gels simultaneously, with a rotating base providing an easy access to both gels. JumboGel sharktooth combs are designed with 3 mm point-to-point well spacing to accomodate multichannel pipettors. Specially-etched low-fluorescence plates allow common pipette tips to fit accurately into troughs, mak…
TV400YK-2D-IEF-SYS Dedicated 2-D Electrophoresis System
Scie-Plas Ltd2-D electrophoresis using 18cm IPG strips and 20.5 x 20cm maxi-gels The TV400YK-2D-IEF-SYS unit is the complete system for running reproducible 20.5 x 20cm 2-D maxi-gels. A recently redesigned IEF-SYS unit supports both 7 and 18cm long SERVA IPG strips during 1st dimension isoelectric focusing (IEF), when each strip may be then overlaid along the top of a 20.5 x 20cm TV400YK maxi-gel for resolution by 2nd dimension SDS-PAGE. T…