Biosafety Cabinet A2
KLCNegative pressure to form an air curtain and box type double isolation between work area and external environment to best protect room side environment
Negative pressure to form an air curtain and box type double isolation between work area and external environment to best protect room side environment
Allows sensitive colorimetric assays for the determination of cell viability in cell proliferation and cytotoxicity assays
DNA and RNA clean-up for next generation sequencing library construction. 1ml sample is available by request.
The Quick-RNA 96 Kit is one of the most innovative RNA isolation kits available, designed for the easy, reliable, and rapid isolation of DNA-free RNA from a wide range of cell (up to 106) and tissue samples (up to 5 mg). The procedure combines a unique buffer system with Zymo-Spin™ plate technology to yield high quality total RNA (including small RNAs ~17-200 nt) in about 30 minutes. The procedure is simple: Add the pro…
This sorbent blend is formulated for the cleanup of QuEChERS extracts in GC/MS and GC/MSMS applications.
This is a bulk configuration of the KQCLTM Kinetic Chromogenic LAL Endotoxin Detection Assay and is available as a made-to-order product. This bulk kit configuration contains endotoxin from E. coli Strain O55:B5. Testing of specific lots for making larger product reserves is possible. Please contact your local sales representative for further details. The Kinetic-QCLTM Kinetic Chromogenic LAL Assay is a quantitative, kinetic a…
RNAlater®-ICE is a novel reagent for transitioning frozen tissue to a state that is easily processed for extraction of high quality RNA. Frozen tissues are simply submerged in RNAlater®-ICE and allowed to thaw overnight at -20°C. Once thawed, the tissues can be processed like fresh tissues using standard RNA isolation procedures. No more laborious grinding of frozen tissue to safeguard the RNA. Process previously frozen…
α2-3,6,8,9 Neuraminidase A is a broad specificity sialidase, which cleaves linear and branched non-reducing terminal sialic acid residues from glycoproteins, glycopeptides, and oligosaccharides. It can be used for glycan analysis and characterization and intact glycoprotein remodeling, in vitro and in vivo. Recombinant enzyme with no detectable endoglycosidase or other exoglycosidases contaminating activities Acts on b…
The ZR-96 DNA Clean & Concentrator-5 Kit is a 96 well PCR purification kit that provides rapid, large-scale (96-well) purification and concentration of high-quality DNA from PCR samples, endonuclease digestions, or crude plasmid preparations. Simply add the specially formulated DNA Binding Buffer to your samples and transfer to the wells of the supplied Silicon-A Plate. There is no need for organic denaturants or chloroform…
Histone Extraction Kit (ab113476) is suitable for a quick isolation of total histone extracts from cells and tissue samples from mammals and other species. The amount of starting material can be as low as 105 cells or 1 mg of tissue. For best results, the cell number should be >106 cells or the tissue amount should be >10 mg. A total of 100 standard extractions (using 107 cells or 100 mg of tissue per extraction) can be…
The Esco Frontier Duo Fume Cupboard offers a solution representing design and engineering innovations that are at the forefront of fume cupboard technology, providing superior containment of noxious chemical fumes at a broad range of face velocities while addressing worker comfort through ergonomic design. Work zone baffles and aerodynamic airfoil are designed with computational fluid dynamics to enhance safety. Key Benefit…
Titrino plus is a family of entry-level potentiometric titrators for basic applications. These instruments offer excellent value for money and are a reliable partner in your lab. Key features High precision and accuracy thanks to the high-resolution measuring interface User-friendliness: easy to install and operate Wide range of applications at a favorable price Outstanding flexibility: data export and option…
Art Robbins Instruments has developed the ideal family of plates for crystallography applications: the Intelli-Plate. All versions of the Intelli-Plate have the SBS microplate footprint and standard well spacing and are ideal for manual or automated processing. Key Features: SBS microplate footprint & standard well spacing Optically clear wells provide for superior crystal imaging Well layout makes crystal harves…
Compatible with any sample: Probe-free technology depletes rRNA & Globin from any RNA source.
VENTANA PD-L1 predictive assays identify patients who are most likely to respond to specific therapies, generating results you can trust so that you can make timely diagnostic decisions and therapeutic choices. We support your expertise by providing you with the tools that you need to successfully implement these assays into your laboratory and interpret them proficiently.
If you are dealing with a rising backlog of samples due to an insufficient chromatography-based solution, the Thermo Scientific VeriSpray PaperSpray ion source for mass spectrometry is a valuable alternative solution for MS analysis. This paper spray ionization technique provides direct sample analysis capability with your triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, eliminating the need for chromatographic based separation, simplifyi…
The Fisher Scientific 2332 Isotemp Digital Water Bath features dual thermostats for optimal reading
Ambient +5° to 100°C, Mini dry bath w/15 x 1.5 mL Block
Zoom magnification stereo ideally suited for gross asbestos examination
An automatic polarimeter ideal for food, beverage, university and contract laboratories
CFSE Cell Division Tracker Kit is composed of 5 vials, 100 µg per vial of CFSE (formally known as 5-(and 6)-Carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester of CFDA SE), and 500 µl of anhydrous DMSO. CFSE is able to passively diffuse into cells. Inside the cell, its acetate groups are cleaved by intracellular esterases, and the molecules are converted to fluorescent esters. CFSE is retained within the cell and covalently couple…