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Laser Speckle


RFLSI-ZW laser speckle imaging system is an even better tool for microcirculation research based on laser speckle contrast imaging technology (LSCI).

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In vivo pharmacology and toxicology


Selvita’s in vivo team has long standing experience in the areas of infection, inflammation and fibrosis and has contributed to numerous  preclinical and clinical candidates.  Over 60 animal models in mice, rats, and rabbits are fully characterized and validated with clinically relevant pharmacological controls whereas in-depth expertise in translational biomarker selection and validation gives confidence in the smooth transi…

|0 Reviews

Freedom EVO® with Dual Liquid Handling Arms


Tecan’s Freedom EVO series of automated workstations offer unrivalled processing speed and flexibility thanks to a unique feature that allows two liquid handling (LiHa) arms to act completely independently. Each arm of eight variable-spacing pipetting tips can be adapted to handle high volumes, for example of cell culture media, as well as low volumes of precious reagents or samples. The dual LiHa arms can run in parallel…

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