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Discovery Hybrid Rheometer

TA Instruments - Waters LLC

TA Instruments invites you to experience the latest innovations in rotational shear rheometers, the Discovery Hybrid Rheometer HR 10, HR 20, and HR 30. The Discovery Hybrid Rheometers are designed for scientists who need to obtain better rheological data, under the widest range of measurement conditions, collected by more users, with less training.

|5 Reviews
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Standard Micro-Homogenizer Package

PRO Scientific, Inc.

Ideal for homogenizing in various micro-tubes as well as other small tubes containers. Whether gently mixing, extracting RNA/DNA or destroying the cell wall, the PRO Micro-Homogenizer Package Kits can effectively and efficiently process your sample in a few seconds.

|5 Reviews

WesternSure Pen


The WesternSure Pen is used to annotate visible protein ladders prior to chemiluminescent Western blot detection.  The pen is optimized for detection using the C-DiGit® Blot Scanner or the Odyssey® Fc Imaging System.

|3 Reviews

Empiria Studio Software


Empiria Studio Software is the ideal software for labs that want workflow-based analysis to ensure consistent results for all researchers. Researchers of all experience levels can easily determine target protein expression, analyze validated antibody experiments, compare replicates, perform statistical analysis, share results, and much more—all in one intuitive application.  

|23 Reviews
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