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Antisera to Enzymes, Serum Proteins, & Whole Serums

Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories Inc.

Antisera to Enzymes, Serum Proteins, & Whole Serums. Polyclonal antisera from immunized hosts are lipid extracted to improve clarity, salt fractionated, dialyzed against phosphate buffered saline containing sodium azide, and freeze-dried. Antisera against whole serums are obtained by immunizing host animals with whole serum. Antisera against whole IgG molecules [i.e. Anti-IgG (H+L)] are recommended for bridging PAP to prima…

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Solid-Phase Immunoadsorbent Gels

Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories Inc.

Solid-Phase Immunoadsorbent Gels. Highly purified IgG from the serum of non-immunized animals is coupled to cyanogen bromide-activated 4% agarose gels for use in preparing affinity-purified antibodies or removing cross-reactive antibodies. Proteins are coupled at a concentration of 1 mg protein per ml of settled gel, and are packaged in phosphate buffered saline with sodium azide.

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Futura Continuous Flow Analyzer

KPM Analytics

The FUTURA 3  is a complete and reliable solution using Continuous Flow Analysis (CFA) techniques  for testing different parameters in sea water, drinking water, wastewater, environmental samples, soil, food, beverages, tobacco, and many other matrices.  The FUTURA 3 streamlines your laboratory operations : the testing is done automatically, including inline sample preparation. 

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SmartChem® 600 Wet Chemistry Analyzer

KPM Analytics

The SmartChem ® 600 is a wet chemistry equipment that consolidates different techniques from your laboratory into a single platform. It automates photometric and electrochemical analysis, and optimizes  laboratory operation (running samples, calibrations, standards, maintenance, operator training). It run 600 tests per hour (exists for 200 or 450 tests) and can load on board up to 200 samples, and up to 100 ready-to-use reage…

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SAT 450 Random Access Analyzer

KPM Analytics

The SAT 450 is a fully automated, random-access clinical analyzer for routine and special chemistries testing. It analyzes serum, plasma, urine and other fluids, allowing clinicians to determine and quantify metabolites, electrolytes, proteins and drugs. SAT 450’s automation allows maximizing throughput and improves operator’s safety from exposure to biohazards as well as minimizes cross-contamination risks.

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SmartChem 200 Wet Chemistry Analyzer

KPM Analytics

The SmartChem® 200 is a wet chemistry equipment that consolidates different techniques from your laboratory into a single platform. It automates photometric and electrochemical analysis, and optimizes laboratory operation (running samples, calibrations, standards, maintenance, operator training). It runs 200 tests per hour (exists for 450 or 600 tests) and has different loading capacities for samples and ready-to-use reagents…

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SpectraStar™ XT NIR Analyzer Series

KPM Analytics

The SpectraStar™ XT NIR Analyzers Series offers exceptional accuracy and reliability for rapid in-lab and on-line compositional analysis of solids, powders, forages, grains, liquids, slurries and other products.  Thousands of experts from quality labs and production facilities already benefit from its excellent measurements on moisture, protein, fat, sugar and fiber analysis, ash, fatty acids and lignin.

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AgriCheck Whole Grain Analyzer Series

KPM Analytics

The AgriCheck series is a high-precision NIR instrument dedicated to grain analysis. With its dedicated calibration libraries, the AgriCheck provides fast, accurate and reliable measurements of the major components of whole grains: moisture, protein, starch, oil, fiber, gluten, zeleny, amylose, FFA and other parameters. Producers, millers and processors benefit from the quality of AgriCheck at an attractive price. 

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