Raman Microscopes Products & Reviews


Raman Microscopes

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Raman Microscopes
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Thermo Scientific™ DXR3xi Raman Microscope

Thermo Fisher Scientific

The Thermo Scientific DXR3xi Raman Imaging Microscope now reveals research grade imaging faster than ever. With enhanced software features and higher spatial resolution, the user can gain visual information instantly.  Advanced imaging capabilities coupled with minimal sample prep and intuitive software give users the power of Raman at speeds researchers need.

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XploRA - Raman microscopy

HORIBA Scientific

The XploRA™ is a new concept in Raman microscopy, bringing Raman chemical identification directly to your microscope. The XploRA can be coupled to both upright and inverted microscopes, allowing analysis of all sample types, ranging from semiconductors and nano-materials, through to biological cells and tissues. The system provides the established performance of HORIBA Scientific Raman microscopes at a surprising price. Combin…

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RISE Microscopy - Correlative Raman Imaging and Scanning Electron Microscopy (Raman-SEM)

Oxford Instruments WITec

RISE Microscopy is a novel correlative microscopy technique that combines SEM and confocal Raman Imaging and links ultra-structural surface properties to molecular compound information. RISE Microscopy combines an SEM and a confocal Raman microscope. The confocal Raman microscope is integrated into the vacuum chamber of the electron microscope. Non-destructive Raman and SEM measurements are consecutively performed at two diff…

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HORIBA Scientific

Raman imaging has never been so fast! Incorporating unique and powerful functions in a reliable, high performance system, ideally suited to the research and analytical lab, the XploRA PLUS is our best multi-sample, multi-user Raman microscope ever.It is fully confocal, not compromising image quality, spatial or depth resolution. The SWIFT Fast Raman images are the fastest fully confocal Raman images available, typically 10x f…

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SENTERRA II Compact Raman Microscope

Bruker Optics

The SENTERRA II defines a new level of spectroscopic performance and user friendliness in the class of compact Raman microscopes. SENTERRA II is designed to deliver excellent sensitivity combined with high spectral and imaging performance. Therefore the SENTERRA II is a powerful platform for advanced research applications. Due to its high degree of automation, compact size and efficient workflow the SENTERRA II is likewise an…

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TrueSurface Microscopy

Oxford Instruments WITec

True Surface Microscopy - Confocal Microscopy Along with Large Area Optical Profiling WITec´s new True Surface Microscopy option (patent pending) allows confocal Raman imaging guided by surface topography. Confocal microscopy is often desirable due to its suppression of out-of-focus light but can be challenging when analyzing large or rough surfaces. In these cases, only those points that are in focus contribute to the image.…

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inVia Raman microscope

Renishaw plc.

Since being launched, the Renishaw inVia Raman microscope has become the world's best selling research Raman system. The inVia Raman microscope combines simplicity of operation with the high performance and unparalleled flexibility for which Renishaw Raman systems are renowned. inVia Raman microscopes are high-sensitivity systems with integrated research grade microscopes, enabling high resolution confocal measurements. inVia…

|18 Reviews

Scanning Probe Microscope Series WITec alpha300

Oxford Instruments WITec

Scanning Probe Microscope Series WITec alpha300 The WITec microscopy series features scanning probe as well as high resolution optical and Raman microscopy techniques in either a single instrument or combined system configurations for the highest flexibility throughout a wide range of microscopy applications. For example, it is possible to start with Confocal Raman Microscopy and upgrade later to Atomic Force Microscopy or vic…

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Thermo Scientific™ DXR Flex Raman Spectrometer

Thermo Fisher Scientific

The Thermo Scientific™ DXR3 Flex Raman Spectrometer is a research-grade Raman spectrometer specifically designed for integration with other analytical techniques. This compact spectrometer uses the same design and optics as advanced spectrometers in the Thermo Scientific DXR3 Raman Spectrometer research product family. Thus, it provides transportability and hyphenation without compromising data quality.  

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XploRA INV - Inverted Raman Microscope

HORIBA Scientific

Optimized Raman Solution for Life Sciences from HORIBA Scientific The XpIoRA INV is an inverted Raman microscope designed specifically for use with biological samples requiring analysis from the bottom and/or open access to the sample from the top. Like all other XpIoRA series of Raman microscopes, the INV features a small footprint, complete automation (autofocus, autoexposure, autovalidation, autocalibration), and ease of us…

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