
Combined Determination of 1,4-Dioxane and Nitrosamine Contaminants in Drinking Water

30 Oct 2014

Global concern over the carcinogenic potential of 1,4-dioxane and several nitrosamines has resulted in increased interest in the development of more efficient testing methods for these contaminants in drinking waters. In the U.S., the current methodologies recommended for the analysis of 1,4-dioxane and nitrosamines in drinking waters are Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Methods 522 and 521, respectively. EPA Method 522 is a relatively simple GC-MS method using electron ionization, while Method 521 requires positive chemical ionization using liquid methanol or acetonitrile reagent gas, along with tandem mass spectrometry. The method described in this application note uses the same coconut charcoal sorbent solid phase extraction cartridges and dichloromethane eluent recommended in EPA Methods 522 and 521 to concentrate 0.50 L water samples to 10 mL extracts.

