
Direct pull tension testing with the Hysitron PI 89 SEM PicoIndenter - A primer

23 Jul 2023

The tensile test is the most ubiquitous method for macroscale mechanical characterization of materials. This is because it provides a full stress strain curve, allowing analysis of such important material properties as yield strength, ultimate strength, elastic limit, and work hardening rates. In-situ nanomechanical testing is a powerful family of techniques that allow for real-time observation of deformation mechanisms that are directly correlated to load-displacement data.

The combination of these techniques with high-resolution electron microscopy and its related chemical and structural analysis techniques can provide incredibly detailed data. In this application note, Bruker Nano discusses using the Hysitron® PI 89 SEM PicoIndenter® and Tribo iQ application for direct pull tension within an SEM application, including the steps required for tip and sample fabrication, tip alignment, and data analysis.

