
Improving Automated SPE Disk Extraction Technology for Semivolatile Compounds in Groundwater Using US EPA Method 8270

15 Feb 2019

This application note will demonstrate the results of Initial Demonstration of Proficiency (IDP) evaluations for compliance with US EPA Method 8270E to determine a list of 114 semi-volatile organic compounds that are neutral, acidic, and basic. In addition to the IDP, a typical groundwater sample will be evaluated and contains a different matrix and particulate content than seen in the IDP. The Matrix Spike (MS)/ Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) will demonstrated. Solid phase extraction is described as a suitable sample preparation alternative in Method 8270 and companion method US EPA 3535 outlines the general use of SPE. Suitable sorbent material in disk format for this list of analytes and a modern system for automation will be demonstrated.

