Search results for "peristaltic pump"
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TAG Turbo and active gauge controller
EdwardsEdwards Turbo and Active (TAG) controller is a small low cost pumping system controller, suitable for a wide range of vacuum applications, and compatible with all Edwards EXT and nEXT turbomolecular pumps.
Teledyne ISCO release new line of syringe pumps
ISP vacuum pump
ANEST IWATA CorporationAs ISP vacuum pumps do not contain lubricating oil or sealing water resulting in no back-migration of fluid, it ensures clean vacuum. It is light-weight and occupies minimum space because of original design called double wrap scroll. While orbiting scroll makes one turn, the process of suction, compression and exhaust proceeds continuously, resulting in a minimum pulsation which provides less vibration and low noise.…
Microsart e.jet pump
Sartorius GroupLiquid transfer pump connects to Microsart® Manifold as the vacuum source for the filtration of your liquid samples.