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A Driving Force in Pipetting Innovation
Bruker to Host a Series of 'Omics' Workshops at ASMS
Olympus launches D-Dimer for AU Chemistry Family
Invitrogen TrueCut Cas9 Protein v2
Thermo Fisher ScientificInvitrogen TrueCut Cas9 Protein v2 is a next generation CRISPR-Cas9 protein designed to deliver maximum editing efficiency in a broad range of cells, including standard, immune, primary and stem cells. The latest version of Thermo Fisher Scientific’s Cas9 protein provides a robust, reliable and efficient way of knocking out a gene’s expression, introducing changes or making precise edits. The transfection-ready Cas9 protein…
EMA 502 Elemental Analyzer CHNS-O
Velp ScientificaThe EMA 502 is a precise, versatile, and cloud-enabled micro elemental analyzer for simultaneous Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Sulfur, and Oxygen determination in organic samples for various industrial sectors. The EMA 502 offers consistent performance, ease of use, and premium features for combustion analysis in accordance with international standards: AOAC, AACC, ASBC, ISO, DIN, IFFO, OIV, ASTM, EPA.
ioSkeletal Myocytes DMD Exon Deletion disease models - Human iPSC-derived model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
bit.bioioSkeletal Myocytes DMD Exon Deletion disease models are built to help improve the translatability of data generated during the discovery of new candidate drugs for Duchenne muscular dystrophy.