Search results for "peristaltic pump"
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Ionic® Purification System
Purigen BiosystemsThe Ionic® Purification System is a benchtop platform that provides automated extraction of DNA and RNA from biological samples. Using cutting-edge technology based on isotachophoresis, the Ionic system separates DNA and RNA freely in solution, without binding to or stripping nucleic acids from physical surfaces. The workflow is simple and efficient, while producing higher yields with higher purity, consistently and reliably.…
Product News
Easy monochromator for ultraviolet light
Ambr® 250 Modular Expandable Benchtop System
Sartorius GroupAmbr® 250 Modular is an innovative, easy-to-use, expandable benchtop system that incorporates from 2 to 8 fully integrated single-use 100 – 250 mL mini bioreactors. It has a wide range of applications in process optimization and process characterization.