Hevylite IgM Kappa kit
Hevylite enables individual identification and quantification of different light chain isotypes of each immunoglobulin class i.e. IgG?, IgG?, IgA?, IgA?, IgM? and IgM?.
Hevylite enables individual identification and quantification of different light chain isotypes of each immunoglobulin class i.e. IgG?, IgG?, IgA?, IgA?, IgM? and IgM?.
Hevylite enables individual identification and quantification of different light chain isotypes of each immunoglobulin class i.e. IgGκ, IgGλ, IgAκ, IgAλ, IgMκ and IgMλ.
Accessories for Libra S4 and S6 80-2115-39 Venturi action funnel flow cell 80-3002-53 Serial printer and serial printer cable 80-2117-47 Test tube adapters (10, 12, 16mm) 80-3003-55 Chart recorder interface cable 80-3001-00 Spare serial cable 80-2115-18 Spare dust cover 80-2115-33 Spare Tungsten lamp Accessories for Libra S11 and S12 Cell Holders for Libra S11 and S12 80-2109-04 2 position manual cell changer 80-2109-05 Long p…
Anders Bach explains how scientists at the University of Copenhagen are searching for a new class of stroke therapeutic using high-throughput fragment analysis
These 10 mL PYREX® economy flasks are designed for those that do not require the precision accuracy of our Class A capacity flasks. Capacity tolerances are twice those specified for Class A volumetric ware. The graduation line is sharp and permanent; large white block letters make inscriptions easy to read. Supplied with No. 9 Standard Taper glass stoppers. For replacement stoppers see No. 7650.
These 100 mL PYREX® economy flasks are designed for those that do not require the precision accuracy of our Class A capacity flasks. Capacity tolerances are twice those specified for Class A volumetric ware. The graduation line is sharp and permanent; large white block letters make inscriptions easy to read. Supplied with No. 13 Standard Taper glass stoppers. For replacement stoppers see No. 7650.
These 1L PYREX® economy flasks are designed for those that do not require the precision accuracy of our Class A capacity flasks. Capacity tolerances are twice those specified for Class A volumetric ware. The graduation line is sharp and permanent; large white block letters make inscriptions easy to read. Supplied with No. 22 Standard Taper glass stoppers. For replacement stoppers see No. 7650.
These 200 mL PYREX® economy flasks are designed for those that do not require the precision accuracy of our Class A capacity flasks. Capacity tolerances are twice those specified for Class A volumetric ware. The graduation line is sharp and permanent; large white block letters make inscriptions easy to read. Supplied with No. 13 Standard Taper glass stoppers. For replacement stoppers see No. 7650.
These 25 mL PYREX® economy flasks are designed for those that do not require the precision accuracy of our Class A capacity flasks. Capacity tolerances are twice those specified for Class A volumetric ware. The graduation line is sharp and permanent; large white block letters make inscriptions easy to read. Supplied with No. 9 Standard Taper glass stoppers. For replacement stoppers see No. 7650.
These 250 mL PYREX® economy flasks are designed for those that do not require the precision accuracy of our Class A capacity flasks. Capacity tolerances are twice those specified for Class A volumetric ware. The graduation line is sharp and permanent; large white block letters make inscriptions easy to read. Supplied with No. 16 Standard Taper glass stoppers. For replacement stoppers see No. 7650.
These 50 mL PYREX® economy flasks are designed for those that do not require the precision accuracy of our Class A capacity flasks. Capacity tolerances are twice those specified for Class A volumetric ware. The graduation line is sharp and permanent; large white block letters make inscriptions easy to read. Supplied with No. 9 Standard Taper glass stoppers. For replacement stoppers see No. 7650.
These 500 mL PYREX® economy flasks are designed for those that do not require the precision accuracy of our Class A capacity flasks. Capacity tolerances are twice those specified for Class A volumetric ware. The graduation line is sharp and permanent; large white block letters make inscriptions easy to read. Supplied with No. 19 Standard Taper glass stoppers. For replacement stoppers see No. 7650.
Stereo microscope with 7.5:1 zoom ratio with trinocular head option for digital imaging. Features one of the highest zoom magnifications in its class.
The BioStore III Cryo provides the best in class automated storage solution for cellular products and other materials requiring storage temperatures below glass transition (Tg).
ProWeigh® filters from Environmental Express are a time-saving, convenient and accurate way to perform Total Suspended Solids. By eliminating all the required filter preparation steps necessary for solids determination, the hands-on time required for performing TSS is reduced by half. The 20th edition of Standard Methods, the definitive book of water and wastewater test methods, lists ProWeighs from Environmental Express by na…
Application Duolink® proximity ligation assay(PLA®) allows for endogenous detection of protein interactions, post translational modifications, and protein expression levels at the single molecule level in fixed cells and tissue samples. Follow the Duolink® In Situ Fluorescence Protocol to use this product. A set of short instructionsis also available. Visit our Duolink® PLA Resource Center for information on how to ru…
These 10 mL PYREX® volumetric pipets were designed primarily for schools and laboratories where the Class A tolerance of No. 7100 is not required. They are constructed to the same wall thickness and length as our No. 7100, but have larger tip openings for faster delivery. It is primarily due to this faster delivery that accuracy tolerances are twice those specified for Class A volumetric ware. Reference: ASTM E-969.
These 3 mL PYREX® volumetric pipets were designed primarily for schools and laboratories where the Class A tolerance of No. 7100 is not required. They are constructed to the same wall thickness and length as our No. 7100, but have larger tip openings for faster delivery. It is primarily due to this faster delivery that accuracy tolerances are twice those specified for Class A volumetric ware. Reference: ASTM E-969.
Optimized for AAVs, large proteins, and RNAs/DNAs by SEC-MALS. Narrow-bore for ultimate detection sensitivity when used with a low dispersion (U)HPLC system.
Laminar Flow ultraclean ® operates with vertical, low-turbulence displacement flow and fulfils the requirements of purity class 5 as per ISO 14644-1 in working areas.
These 1 mL PYREX® glass volumetric pipets were designed primarily for schools and laboratories where the Class A tolerance of No. 7100 is not required. They are constructed to the same wall thickness and length as our No. 7100, but have larger tip openings for faster delivery. It is primarily due to this faster delivery that accuracy tolerances are twice those specified for Class A volumetric ware. Reference: ASTM E-969.
These 100 mL PYREX® glass volumetric pipets were designed primarily for schools and laboratories where the Class A tolerance of No. 7100 is not required. They are constructed to the same wall thickness and length as our No. 7100, but have larger tip openings for faster delivery. It is primarily due to this faster delivery that accuracy tolerances are twice those specified for Class A volumetric ware. Reference: ASTM E-969.
These 0.5 mL PYREX® glass volumetric pipets were designed primarily for schools and laboratories where the Class A tolerance of No. 7100 is not required. They are constructed to the same wall thickness and length as our No. 7100, but have larger tip openings for faster delivery. It is primarily due to this faster delivery that accuracy tolerances are twice those specified for Class A volumetric ware. Reference: ASTM E-969.
These 2 mL PYREX® glass volumetric pipets were designed primarily for schools and laboratories where the Class A tolerance of No. 7100 is not required. They are constructed to the same wall thickness and length as our No. 7100, but have larger tip openings for faster delivery. It is primarily due to this faster delivery that accuracy tolerances are twice those specified for Class A volumetric ware. Reference: ASTM E-969.
These 20 mL PYREX® glass volumetric pipets were designed primarily for schools and laboratories where the Class A tolerance of No. 7100 is not required. They are constructed to the same wall thickness and length as our No. 7100, but have larger tip openings for faster delivery. It is primarily due to this faster delivery that accuracy tolerances are twice those specified for Class A volumetric ware. Reference: ASTM E-969.