Search results for "Thermo Fisher Scientific"
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Oligo Synthesis
Macrogen Europe BVWith the oligonucleotide DNA synthesis service from Macrogen, you can rely on the cutting-edge techniques applied at our state-of-the-art facilities. Liquid chromatography combined with mass-spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) analysis ensures that your oligos will meet the highest standards.
DB-1ht GC Columns
Agilent TechnologiesAgilent J&W DB-1ht delivers excellent performance in a range of GC/MS applications and are manufactured to the highest levels of quality and stability. Nonpolar DB-1ht columns are specially processed for operation up to 400 °C, with optimized, polyimide-coated fused silica tubing.
Captiva EMR-Lipid
Agilent TechnologiesCaptiva EMR-Lipid provides highly selective, efficient lipid/matrix removal without analyte loss. The novel EMR-Lipid technology removes lipids based on size exclusion and hydrophobic interaction. Effective lipid removal ensures minimal ion suppression of target analytes, significantly improving method reliability and ruggedness.
PhenoCycler-Fusion 2.0
Akoya BiosciencesPhenoCycler ® -Fusion 2.0 is the fastest solution for spatial biology researchers who need to achieve the quickest route to results. Trusted by top academic and industry leaders, this next-generation platform sets the pace for groundbreaking spatial discoveries.
GCMS-TQ8040 NX Triple Quad Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer
Shimadzu CorporationFeaturing Smart Productivity for high-efficiency sample throughput, Smart Operation for quick and easy method development, and Smart Performance for low detection limits and Scan/MRM, the GCMS-TQ8040 NX is a cost-effective, easy-to-use triple quadrupole GCMS for routine analytical work. With over 32,000 MRM transitions in a single run, the GCMS-TQ8040 NX with Smart MRM can combine over 400 compounds into a single MRM…
Centrifuge 5425
EppendorfCentrifuge 5425 is the new laboratory standard. With its 24–place capacity and speed up to 21,130 × g, it is perfectly equipped for all modern molecular biology applications in Eppendorf and PCR tubes.
3-Way Rack
Heathrow Scientific3-Way Rack - Snap together for more tube storage Polypropylene 3-Way Racks from Heathrow Scientific connect to one another on either end. Convenient finger slots are molded into the rack making them easy to pick up and move. The lowest level has 24 wells to hold individual 0.2 mL tubes or strips of 8 or 12 tubes. The middle tier has 14 wells to hold 0.5 mL tubes. Top tier has 12 wells to hold 1.5 mL tubes. Autoclavable. Availa…