Search results for "Rigaku Analytical Devices"
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MAC-MOD Lifeguard Pre-Column Filters
Mac-ModProtect your HPLC and UHPLC columns from inlet frit plugging
Adept HPLC System 4
Cecil Instruments LimitedHigh pressure mixing binary gradient system, with UV/Visible detector and PowerStream software.
Dodecylsulfate Na Salt in Pellets
SERVA Electrophoresis GmbHSDS - free of dust due to novel SDS pellets.
Crystalline PV/RR
Technobis Crystallization SystemsAccess crystallization and formulation information at mL scale with the new Crystalline PV/RR
Phytocannabinoid Neutrals Mixture 8 (CRM)
Cayman Chemical Co.Phytocannabinoid Mixture 8 (CRM) (Item No. 34043) is a certified reference material mixture that contains neutral, non-acid, forms of compounds that can be isolated from plants in the genus Cannabis. Included are Δ9-THC, Δ8-THC, cannabinol, cannabidiol, (±)-cannabichromene, cannabidivarin, cannabigerol, and tetrahydrocannabivarin. It is provided as a DEA exempt preparation in an amber ampule in which the headspace has been p…
Gator™ AAVX Probes from Gator Bio
Gator BioEnables the direct capture and quantitation of different serotypes of AAV in crude lysates, column eluates, cell lysates and cell culture supernatants using the CaptureSelect™ anti-AAVX ligand. Total AAV capsid is determined by this quantitation technique.
AAV9 Probes
Gator BioThe Gator ® AAV9 Probes are high specificity nanobody-based biosensors that enable direct capture and quantitation of AAV9 in crude lysates, column eluates, cell lysates and cell culture supernatants. The Gator ® AAV9 probe uses proven CaptureSelect™ (Thermo Fisher Scientific) high affinity and high specificity anti-AAV9 nanobody.