Product News
Porvair Sciences launch kits that deliver high recovery of top-quality purified RNA
These proprietary kits enable extraction of up to 1000 µg of application-ready pure RNA in as little as 10 minutes
These proprietary kits enable extraction of up to 1000 µg of application-ready pure RNA in as little as 10 minutes
VENTANA MMR RxDx Panel is the first immunohistochemistry predictive test in endometrial cancer for treatment with the anti-PD1 immunotherapy JEMPERLI
Christian Weidner reveals the balance set to become a laboratory must-have, promising precision, repeatability, and reliability at an affordable price
The grant will be used to accelerate the discovery of new treatments for autoimmune diseases by targeting the cGAS-STING pathway
The assays will help public health researchers track SARS-CoV-2 variants more rapidly and cost-effectively