How to Double Your IDs Using Micro Pillar Array Chromatography Columns
Watch this on-demand expert webinar on how to use µPAC™ to improve the sensitivity of single-cell proteomic samples
Watch this on-demand expert webinar on how to use µPAC™ to improve the sensitivity of single-cell proteomic samples
New software module: ZEISS Labscope Teacher
Visit WiTec at Booth #1638 at Pittcon 2017
Watch this series of on-demand webinars to learn more on the innovative waveRAPID technology and how it can accelerate drug discovery and development
Research center for traditional chinese medicine modernization recognized for advancing quality control authentication and profiling methods
58 real life applications on consumer and product safety
Synthetic biology projects receive high performance microplate readers
Multiple Uses for The JPK NanoWizard AFM System in The Smart Interfaces in Environmental Nanotechnology Group at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Investigator® line of DNA tests streamline investigations and reduce laboratory costs
SLAS CEO Vicki Loise talks about how and why the society’s International Conference and Exhibition has become such a firm favorite with both scientists and manufacturers and looks ahead to the 2019 event
Learn about a new solution to automate buffer exchange for proteins and biologics with these highlights from our fascinating webinar – now available on demand
Top tips for improving the cleanup of biological samples for analysis by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
New range for use in drug level monitoring assays and biosimilar development
The GDN brings together leading diagnostics services providers to share expertise and drive worldwide diagnostics innovation
Learn how you can accelerate you decision-making for suspension cell analysis
The HeraSafe 2030i BSC is designed to optimize contamination control and accelerate productivity across challenging cell culture applications