Transilluminators Products & Reviews



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Gel Doc / Image Analysis
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UVP GelSolo

UVP, An Analytik Jena Company

The primary application of the UVP GelSolo is capturing, saving and printing of gel images. But it is also possible to analyze gels with the included VisionWorks analysis software. Users can import gel images and conduct calculation of fragment sizes or quantify sample material in a few simple steps.

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UVP ChemStudio™ touch

UVP, An Analytik Jena Company

The UVP ChemStudio and UVP ChemStudio touch is essential to laboratories performing genomic and proteomic applications. No film is required for imaging. UVP ChemStudio series imagers are used for high sensitivity imaging of Western blots, fluorescent Westerns, immunoblots, protein blots, DNA gels, protein gels, blue light gels, colony plates and a wide range of stains and dyes. The UVP ChemStudio touch is a stand-alone, touch…

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DyNA Light Transilluminator


The  DyNA Light Transilluminator provides an intense and consistent ultraviolet source for viewing fluorescently stained gels. Suitable for both analytical and preparative work, this unit's large viewing surface will accommodate all popular gel sizes. Dual Intensity: The intensity of the UV light can be adjusted to two different levels: normal or low at the touch of a button.The normal position provides full intensity for…

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Cleaver Scientific Ltd

microDOC is a simple, inexpensive and ultra compact gel documentation system. It contains a 16 bit CCD digital camera with a superb resolution of 8.0 mega pixels.For added convenience, limited space and budget requirements, microDOC can be used computer free.The image is viewed from a large 5.6" TFT colour liquid crystal display. A variety of images can be captured from agarose and other fluorescent gels, colorimetric gels, au…

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UV Transilluminators

Cleaver Scientific Ltd

These UV Transilluminators are multitasking workstations which offer an ultra-violet source for the analysis of fluorescently stained DNA, RNA, and Protein electrophoresis gels. These also offer space to place tube racks, cutting tools or waste agarose gel, ideal when there is a need to cut bands. These new generation UV transilluminators include a specially designed safety UV leakage indicator which changes colour when UV lig…

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Dolphin-View Image System (USB-version)


Dolphin-View image system is a recently updated stand-alone documentation system, ideal for fluorescent or colorimetric samples, e.g. DNA or protein gels. The compact space saving darkroom is equipped with a sensitive CCD-camera and a 312 nm UV-transilluminator on a slide-out frame wich makes sample handling extremely convenient. Images captured with the CCD-camera are directly displayed on a large LCD monitor. The built in so…

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Dolphin-Doc Image System


Dolphin-Doc is a compact, all round image system with a sensitive CCD-camera for image capture of fluorescent as well as colorimetric samples including DNA/protein gels and microtiter plates. The image system has a fully openable door and a slide-out frame UV-transilluminator, which makes it extremely user-friendly. For colorimetric samples, Doplhin-Doc has built-in epi-white light and optional UV/White-light converter plate.…

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Dolphin-Doc Plus Image System


Dolphin-Doc Plus is a high performance gel documentation image system perfect for fluorescent DNA and protein gel visualisation. A compact darkroom with a fully openable door and a UV-transilluminator on a slide-out frame makes the image system extremely user-friendly. A 12-bit CCD-camera captures images of high resolution and sensitivity. Several different optional optical filters enables for a wide array of fluorescence appl…

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