SelectScience Interviews

Award winner Prof. Stacy O’Reilly highlights the importance of The Scientists’ Channel

23 Feb 2021
Award winner Prof. Stacy O’Reilly highlights the importance of The Scientists’ Channel

Prof. Stacy O’Reilly, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Butler University, and winner of the 2021 Scientists’ Choice Award for Analytical Science Video Interview of the Year, discusses her work and how she hopes not only to push science forward with her research into the synthesis of organometallic compounds, but also to help students learn the basic skills needed for industry, research, and beyond.

O’Reilly also highlights the importance of creative communication in science and recommends The Scientists’ Channel as a “wonderful” educational resource for scientists worldwide.

Watch the award-winning video, titled 'New organic chemistry laboratories highlight the importance of a safe research environment', on The Scientists’ Channel and read more about the 2021 Analytical Science Scientists’ Choice Awards.

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