Advancements in materials characterization: From decoding polymers and battery materials to harnessing the power of atomic force microscopy

Explore advanced technologies and the latest resources to support your materials characterization

28 Mar 2023
Georgina Wynne Hughes
Editorial Assistant

Materials science is the field of study that focuses on understanding the overall properties, structure, and performance of materials. This rapidly evolving field plays a crucial role within many industries, from aerospace and sustainable energy to healthcare and beyond. Over the past few decades, there have been significant advances in the field of materials science, which has led to the development of many novel materials, which hold remarkable properties and applications. These applications have a profound impact on society – from the clothes we wear to the smartphones we use, which is why it is not surprising that the field of materials science has a direct impact on our daily lives.

Materials characterization is a vital component of materials science, and involves exploring the properties, structure, and composition of different materials. By applying the most appropriate tools to better understand the fundamental properties of a given material, scientists can develop new and improved materials to create innovative technologies and products to improve our quality of life and help answer unsolved questions.

In this special feature, we explore some of the latest breakthroughs and cutting-edge technologies in the field of materials science, and how they are keeping pace with the fast-moving nature of the field. This feature will help you take your research to the next level by exploring battery material characterization, the power of atomic force microscopy (AFM), and how to unravel the structures of polymers.

Atomic force microscopy: Harness the power of AFM for materials science

Unlock the full potential of atomic force microscopy (AFM) with this comprehensive guide, which includes a range of real-life case studies focused on magnetic and 2D materials, along with high energy density batteries. Plus, learn how Bruker can help you overcome common setbacks and achieve accurate and reliable AFM results.

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Polymers: Decoding the structure of polymers with GPC/SEC

In this video, learn about polymer properties and advanced detection technologies, including light scattering. Plus, discover how refractive index (RI) and light scattering techniques can provide accurate information on the true molecular weight (MW) and radius of gyration (Rg) of polymers with TOSOH BIOSCIENCE.

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Battery performance: Expert guide to battery materials characterization

In this expert guide, learn how to effectively ensure optimal battery performance is achieved using high-quality and well-characterizated materials, including key information based on solid electrode materials, electrode slurries, electrolytes, and state-of-the-art solutions from Anton Paar to take your research to the next level.

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Expand your materials characterization knowledge with these top resources:

  • In this expert guide, discover a suite of analytical technologies designed to assess the properties and composition of various minerals of gemstones, along with volcanic and metamorphic rocks.
    Download guide >> 
  • In this exclusive interview, hear from Dr. Marco Caffio at Integrated Graphene to find out more about his pioneering work on graphene production, and how his team has found the winning formula to manufacture pristine graphene at a low cost.
    Read article >> 
  • Are you looking to invest in a new microscope? If so, this essential guide provides you with all the information you need to make the right purchasing decisions for your research.
    Download guide >> 
  • QC: This application eBook will help you discover how Raman microscopy can yield vital information on molecular structures, crystal phases, polymorphisms, and much more.
    Download guide >>
  • In this article, explore the top-rated UV/VIS spectrophotometers chosen by our scientific audience.
    Read article >> 
  • In this eBook, we review the literature for the most advanced FTIR spectroscopy products and explore cutting-edge research across a diverse range of fields.
    Download guide >> 
  • Find out how to effectively analyze and screen e-liquids and e-cigarettes for harmful substances, using state-of the art gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods.
    Download guide >>
  • In this article, meet our reviewer in the spotlight, as he explains more about how his research focuses on the development of new battery materials for improved energy harvesting and storage.
    Read article >>

Your recommendations

Find out what researchers across the globe are saying about the products they use! Qumber Ali Tariq, at University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore, shared this review of the ZEISS Lightsheet Z.1 Microscope.

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