CLINICAL24 sets the stage for global discussion around lab medicine

Brand new event designed to bring together everyone working in the clinical laboratory science industry

9 Aug 2024
CLINICAL24 sets the stage for global discussion around lab medicine

SelectScience® has announced the launch of #CLINICAL24, the clinical industry’s biggest global media celebration of the clinical laboratory medicine profession. Taking place from Oct 1 – Dec 31, 2024.

Supported by companies and societies, including the ADLM, the IBMS, the UK Sepsis Trust and the Global Sepsis Alliance, this flagship 3-month campaign will highlight a typical day in the clinical lab.

Join us as we explore critical challenges, technology solutions and breakthrough clinical science being employed around the world, through useful and practical information, engaging content and conversation.

Sonia Nicholas, Managing Editor and Clinical Lead says ‘CLINICAL24 is a chance to bring together the voices of everyone involved in delivering laboratory science. We want to provide a platform for those voices to be heard, so that we can discuss day-to-day challenges in the clinical lab and explore the technology solutions to overcome them. Our invitation is open to all involved in this industry, laboratory staff, point-of-care professionals, clinicians, societies, associations and the manufacturers who provide technology solutions.’

Conversations during CLINICAL24 will take the form of live roundtable discussions, clinically accredited webinar sessions, interviews, articles and educational content.

To be kept informed of the latest activities, become a member of SelectScience today.

Manufacturers are invited to participate in the CLINICAL24 conversation, contact us today at to learn more about marketing opportunities available during the campaign.

Supported by The Association of Diagnostics and Laboratory Medicine (ADLM), the Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS), The UK Sepsis Trust, and the Global Sepsis Alliance.
