The 10 Latest Products to Get Your Seal of Approval

More top-rated products gain a coveted new SelectScience Seal of Quality, helping you to choose the best for your lab

5 Feb 2018
Lui Terry
Administrator / Office Personnel
The SelectScience Seals of Quality

SelectScience® is proud to announce the latest recipients of the new SelectScience Seal of Quality program, recognizing the products that have consistently received the highest review ratings from you, the scientists using them.

Lauched in June last year to further assist scientists in making important purchasing decisions for their labs, Seals of Quality are assigned to approximately 0.1 % of products on the SelectScience website and are allocated in line with strict criteria based on the quantity of reviews a product has received and the average rating of those reviews.

The program has been hailed by industry leaders and described as providing “invaluable” information for scientists.

Reviewed by the people who matter

What is a Seal of Quality? The Seal of Quality program recognizes products that have consistently received the highest review ratings and aims to help scientists choose the best for their laboratories. There are four levels: Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze.

The top-rated products which have gained Seals of Quality are used in research right across the scientific spectrum, but they all have one thing in common — the scientists using them love them.

“As SelectScience® celebrates its 20th anniversary as a trusted, independent publisher, we are thrilled to announce the latest recipients of our successful new Seal of Quality program which aims to help scientists across the world see at a glance the top-rated products on the market – in the eyes of their peers,” said Kerry Parker, SelectScience Editor-in-Chief.

“This program also provides valuable feedback to manufacturers and we have been absolutely delighted by the response across the industry. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the Seal of Quality recipients for a wonderful achievement — being recognised for an exceptionally high-quality product by the people who matter, their customers.”

Among the manufacturers celebrating their new Seal of Quality this month is DeNovix Inc., which becomes just the second manufacturer ever to pick up a platinum Seal of Quality.

The 10 latest recipients of a new SelectScience Seal of Quality are:





Seal of Quality recipients are selected quarterly and dated by the year in which they are attained.

Know a product that deserves a Seal of Quality? Write a review today >

In total, 32 products have now received a SelectScience Seal of Quality. Among those celebrating when the program was launched back in June was sequencing services provider GATC Biotech, which became the very first recipient of a Platinum Seal of Quality, which was awarded to both its LIGHTRUN and its SUPREMERUN. GATC’s head of marketing & communications, Detlef Janssen, said: “We are incredibly excited to receive this honor not just from SelectScience, but also from the reviewers who take the time to go on the website and leave their feedback. The Seal is especially important to us, as it serves as peer validation of the quality of our Sanger sequencing services.”

Manufacturers, learn more about how to achieve a Seal of Quality for your products >

