Product NewsPhire™ Hot Start DNA Polymerase from Finnzymes – Speed and specificity for routine and high-throughput PCR
Product NewsSupelco<sup>®</sup> Introduces Ascentis<sup>®</sup> Express HILIC HPLC Columns for High-Speed and High-Efficiency Separations
Product NewsLa Nouvelle Gemini<sup>®</sup>-NX vous offre une Sélectivité, une Capacité de Chargement et une Stabilité aux pH extrêmes accrues
Product NewsThermo Fisher Scientific’s New Nicolet iN10 FT-IR Microscope System Simplifies Infrared Microscopy for Investigative and Routine Analysis
Product NewsThermo Fisher Scientific Extends LTQ Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry Performance in Proteomics with ETD and MALDI Capabilities
Product NewsNew Gemini<sup>®</sup>-NX Delivers High Selectivity and Loading Capacity with Stability at pH Extremes
Product NewsApplication-Focused Offerings Designed to Support Research and Testing Vital to Global Health and Safety
Product NewsNew Technique Involving Roche´s LightCycler<sup>®</sup> 480 Instrument Enables Efficient and Economic Studies on RNA Editing
Product NewsPerkinElmer Expands its Chromatography Portfolio, Introducing New High-Resolution Liquid Chromatography System
Product NewsPerkinElmer Introduces Two Biodiesel Platforms to Ensure Fuel Quality and Global Regulatory Compliance
Product NewsACD/Labs Introduces ACD/AutoChrom for ChemStation and ACD/AutoChrom for Empower 2 Software at PITTCON 2008