Meet the winners of the 2022 Scientists’ Choice Awards for Drug Discovery & Development

Scientific, technological, and communications excellence has been celebrated at SLAS2022 with MOBILion Systems, Agilent Technologies, and Wyatt Technology Corp. among those recognized

8 Feb 2022
Blake Forman
Content Creator
MOBIE from MOBILion systems is the winner of Best New Drug Discovery & Development Product of 2021

The world’s most innovative and effective drug discovery and development technologies have been recognized at the Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening conference in Boston, USA. Winners of the 2022 Scientists’ Choice Awards® were announced live by SelectScience Vice President Jay Leech to an audience of industry leaders and scientists.

Now in their 15th year, the awards are unique in the industry as they are chosen by scientists. Each year, we invite scientists around the globe to participate by nominating, reviewing and voting for the lab products that have had the greatest impact on their work. This year, more scientists than ever got involved — read on to reveal their chosen winners.

Best New Drug Discovery & Development Product of 2021

The award for Best New Drug Discovery & Development Product of 2021 goes to the MOBIE from MOBILion Systems, as voted for by scientists around the world.

The MOBIE system separates and identifies molecules with unprecedented resolution. Leveraging a 13-meter ion mobility path length to provide deeper level characterization without compromising time, MOBILion's best-in-class SLIM-based High-Resolution Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry (HRIM-MS) platform separates and identifies molecules with faster analysis and simpler workflows.

Your runners-up are:

Drug Discovery & Development Video Interview of the Year – in association with The Scientists’ Channel

This year’s winning video ‘How freezers are playing an important role in biomaterial development’ is an interview with Dr. Mohammad Albanna, CEO and Founder of Humabiologics.

In this video, Albanna discusses his team’s work providing biomaterials for applications such as bioprinting, tissue engineering, and the creation of cancer models for drug screening. Albanna also highlights the importance of reliable freezers from PHCbi for the effective storage of tissue samples.

Watch here

Drug Discovery & Development Application eBook of the Year

The Drug Discovery & Development eBook of the Year Award goes to Wyatt Technology Corp. for ‘Biopharmaceutical characterization: Improve predictive screening'. This application compendium presents a guide on how to achieve deeper characterization of biotherapeutic proteins using light scattering technology such as the DAWN Multi-Angle static Light Scattering (MALS) detector by Wyatt Technology Corp.

Drug Discovery & Development Editorial Article of the Year

This year’s winning article is titled ‘Harnessing cutting-edge proteogenomics in the quest for novel drug targets’ and features technology from Olink Proteomics.

In this exclusive interview, Dr. Anders Mälarstig, director of target sciences at Pfizer Worldwide Research and Development, discusses how a collaborative consortium of principal investigators (PIs) from several research groups called SCALLOP are using Olink Proteomics platforms to conduct analysis of proteogenomic data from plasma samples covering a wide range of different diseases.

Drug Discovery & Development Webinar of the Year

This year’s Webinar of the Year is awarded to Professor Akiko Iwasaki, professor of immunobiology and molecular, cellular and developmental biology at Yale School of Medicine in collaboration with Fluidic Analytics.

The webinar, titled ‘Immune responses to SARS-CoV-2’ and available to watch on demand, discusses immune responses in COVID-19 patients with moderate and severe disease. Iwasaki compares viral load, immune phenotype and cytokines that are predictive of mortality, and discusses signatures of cytokines and growth factors that associate with recovery vs. disease exacerbation.

Jay Leech (left) presents Lauren Dostillio (right) with the Scientists' Choice Award for Virtual Event of the Year at SLAS 2022
Jay Leech (left), SelectScience, presented the Scientists' Choice Award for Drug Discovery & Development Virtual Event of the Year to Lauren Dostillio (right), Agilent, live at SLAS 2022

Drug Discovery & Development Email of the Year

The winner in the Email of the Year category goes to ‘How do your method development procedures align with upcoming ICH Q14 Guidelines?', from Waters Corporation. The winning email featured a free download of a new infographic describing the benefits and steps of Analytical Quality by Design (AQbD), an enhanced approach to robust method development.

Drug Discovery & Development Innovative Content of the Year

Agilent Technologies is the winner of this year's Innovative Content of the Year award which celebrates new and creative content. The winning content is titled 'Robust Analytical Characterization: Accurate, Reliable Quantitation for Biotherapeutics' and features an interactive guide on the chromatographic applications for critical quality attribute monitoring within the most common bioanalysis workflows.

Drug Discovery & Development Virtual Event of the Year

This year’s winner of Drug Discovery & Development Virtual Event of the Year is Agilent Technologies for its 'Pioneers in biopharma: Meet the leaders steering the industry on a path that celebrates and supports women' one-day virtual event. This event spanned three live sessions with industry thought leaders covering topics such as research and development in process analytical technologies, the development of novel modalities, and the integration of emerging technologies to the field of mass spectroscopy.

Visit the Scientists’ Choice Awards website for more information

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