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The β-eye is the first and only PET scanner for real-time, in vivo screening of all positron emission tomography (PET) isotopes. With its high end detector technology, small footprint, and field of view suitable for whole body mouse imaging, the β-eye is a complete solution for all laboratories at any research stage.

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The β-eye is the first and only PET scanner for real-time, in vivo screening of all positron emission tomography (PET) isotopes. With its high end detector technology, small footprint, and field of view suitable for whole body mouse imaging, the β-eye is a complete solution for all laboratories at any research stage.

The system is just 44cm x 46cm x 40cm in size, weighing less than 40kg. This makes it truly a desktop solution which can turn any space into an imaging lab. Despite its small footprint, the β-eye’s has a sensitivity that reaches 5%, spatial resolution near 1.2mm, and has time of flight (TOF) capabilities.

  • Realtime imaging from time zero post injection
  • Immediate feedback to the user if the injection was successful and the radioisotope

Active field of view of 50mm x 100mm

This field of view is suitable for whole body mouse imaging, allowing for continuous and dynamic imaging in a single acquisition. This is necessary when examining the kinetics and temporal and spatial distribution of the imaging compound.

Frame rates down to 10 seconds

Combined with the features above, including real time, whole body, mouse imaging – these acquisition times would allow the kinetics and dynamic distribution of the imaging compound to be followed over time.

State-of-the-art technical characteristics:

  • Sensitivity that reaches 5%
  • Spatial resolution near 1.2mm
  • Time of flight (TOF) capabilities
  • Energy resolution of 11.8% at 511keV
  • Dynamic range from 0.1 – 10 MBq

Provides high resolution, and high sensitivity images across the whole field of view, over a broad range of signal intensities.

*Cancer Research
*Biomarker Detection

Product Overview
