CORTECS® Columns
Unleash the power of your laboratory's instrumentation. CORTECS® 1.6 µm and 2.7 µm solid-core columns deliver new levels of performance. CORTECS Columns are available in both reversed-phase and HILIC options, giving you the flexibility and power to develop methods for challenging separations even faster. With different particle characteristics and innovative charged surface modifications, CORTECS Columns are suitable for use…
Very happy with this column and will purchase again.
UPLC used for chlorophyll
Very easy to use column, results are always consistent. They can be purchased in lots of three which is very convenient and cost saving.
Review Date: 9 Dec 2019 | Waters
Good results! Recommend it to others!
Separation of small molecules
The column is reproducible and long-lasting. I got good peak shape and good separations using this column. Thanks Waters.
Review Date: 8 Jul 2019 | Waters
Great baseline with perfect separation for mobile component separations.
UPLC analysis
Great baseline with perfect separation for mobile component separations. Useful with impurity & stability MD.
Review Date: 27 Mar 2019 | Waters
Excellent column for complex separations
Compounds related to oak maturation of spirits
The CORTECS range are now the go to columns for UPLC application in our lab. Improved resolution and sensitivity over anything we have seen so far. Robust as well making for value for money
Review Date: 5 Jun 2018 | Waters
Great column choice for LC method development
Small molecule analysis
The Cortecs C18 (1.6 µm) was an excellent choice for my UHPLC RP method covering a wide range of drugs and metabolites. Good separation and peak shape!
Review Date: 10 Feb 2017 | Waters
I can say that this is an excellent column for complex sample analysis of glycosphingolipids
Analysis of Glycosphingolipids
This column provides excellent and reproducible LC-MS chromatogram for my glycosphingolipids analysis. In addition, I am getting very narrow peaks which increases my peak capacity. This could be due to the very small particles (1.6 um) and core-shell type silica particles it has.
Review Date: 11 Nov 2016 | Waters
Really good quality column, It´s a keeper!
Hormone assay
Needed to develop a RP UV method, had one week from start to finish. I tried a few columns before I decided to contact Waters. Waters sent me a CORTECS C18 and the results was amazing. Perfect symmetry and repeatability for a method that otherwise needed more time to refine. Saved me a lot of time for this project.
Review Date: 9 Sept 2016 | Waters
Great addition to the column line-up!
Agricultural Chemistry
The Cortecs T3 column has provided excellent separation of mixed polarity compounds. The column, as expected, has provided excellent selectivity for moderately polar compounds. This is a great column to add to your method development screen!!
Review Date: 9 Sept 2016 | Waters
Very good separation of Peptide impurities!
Purity of Peptides and small molecules in complex matrices
The column is easy to use. Good stability at high temperature and low pH, not bad batch reproducibility and relative fast column equilibration (CSH C18 little faster). We want to see next time the stability with pH 6-8. Very happy to work with the new CORTECS Columns!
Review Date: 2 Sept 2016 | Waters
Good results in performing drugs monitoring
Pharmacokinetics and metabolism of drugs
The product is of great quality and retention time and pressure are optimal.
Review Date: 23 Aug 2016 | Waters
Unleash the power of your laboratory's instrumentation. CORTECS® 1.6 µm and 2.7 µm solid-core columns deliver new levels of performance.
CORTECS Columns are available in both reversed-phase and HILIC options, giving you the flexibility and power to develop methods for challenging separations even faster. With different particle characteristics and innovative charged surface modifications, CORTECS Columns are suitable for use in a wide variety of applications. CORTECS Columns offer particle sizes ideal for HPLC, UHPLC, and UPLC platforms, assuring a simple, seamless method transfer with consistent results across different particle sizes and column configurations.
CORTECS 1.6 µm and 2.7 µm solid-core columns are suitable for use in a wide variety of applications. CORTECS Columns offer particle sizes ideal for HPLC, UHPLC, and UPLC platforms, assuring a simple, seamless method transfer with consistent results across different particle sizes and column configurations.