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Harrick Praying Mantis™ Diffuse Reflection Catalysis Package

A diffuse reflection FTIR accessory with a high temperature reaction chamber for studying heterogeneous catalysis, gas-solid interactions, photochemical reactions, and oxidation mechanisms.

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The Praying Mantis™ is a highly efficient diffuse collection system that minimizes the detection of the specular component. Its optical configuration deflects the specular reflectance away from the collecting ellipsoid, minimizing the associated spectral distortions. The Praying Mantis™ Catalysis research package includes a High Temperature Reaction Chamber that enables the study of adsorbed gas species on the surface of solid catalysts. It can reach temperatures of 910 °C (under vacuum) and operates from vacuum (133 μPa) to pressures of 133 kPa (1 ktorr). It features three inlet/outlet ports for introduction and evacuation of reactant gases.

Features of the Praying Mantis

  • Highly efficient collection system.
  • Minimizes the detection of the specular component.
  • Ellipsoids pivot to provide easy access to the sampling area.
  • Allows easy attachment of reaction chambers.
  • Several models offered for compatibility with a wide range of FTIR and UV-VIS spectrometers.
  • Harrick's exclusive PermaPerge™ allows rapid exchange with minimal interruption of the system purge.
  • Optional references for FTIR and UV-VIS studies.

Features of the High Temp. Reaction Chamber

  • Designed for operation from high vacuum (133 μPa or 10-6 torr) to 133 kPa (1 ktorr) with KBr windows or 1.5 MPa (11.3 ktorr) with ZnSe windows.
  • Achieves temperatures up to 910°C (under vacuum).
  • Readily adapted for operation up to 3.44MPa (25.8 ktorr) with an optional high-pressure dome.
  • Three inlet/outlet ports provided for evacuating the cell and introducing gases.
  • Made of chemically resistant 316 stainless steel.
  • Optional Silcotek/Restek inert coatings available for greater inertness and corrosion resistance.
  • Optional cooling cartridge available for moderate cooling or heating with a chiller or recirculator.
  • Adapters for electrochemistry offered in two, three or four electrode-ready configurations.
  • Alternative window assemblies available for microspectroscopy applications, including Raman.

Product Overview
