Products & ReviewSpectroscopy

Harrick VariGATR™ Grazing Angle ATR

Grazing angle ATR for analysis of monolayers on semiconductor and metallic substrates.

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The VariGATR™ grazing angle ATR accessory is a revolutionary approach to the analysis of monolayers on semiconductor and metallic substrates. The incident angle can be optimized for the highest sensitivity with these types of samples. The pressure applicator has been optimized for delivering good contact between the sample and the Ge ATR crystal. The VariGATR™ is excellent for rapid, repeatable measurements and provides at least an order of magnitude increase in sensitivity relative to grazing angle methods. In addition, it offers the convenience of an easy to use, fully prealigned, horizontal sampling accessory.


  • Convenient horizontal sampling surface.
  • Built-in pressure applicator with slip-clutch for reproducible pressure application.
  • Continuously variable angle from 60º to 65º allowing optimization for maximum sensitivity.
  • Anti-backlash mechanism allows for accurate, reproducible angle selection.
  • Mounted Ge ATR crystal.
  • Accommodates samples up to 8" in diameter with center-sampling of discs up to 6" in diameter.
  • PermaPurge™ for rapid purging of the system.

Product Overview
