Harrick Seagull™ Variable Angle Reflection Accessory
The Seagull™ is a variable angle FT-IR reflectance accessory for examining powders, optical coatings, opaque substrates, films on opaque substrates, and slightly curved solids.
The Seagull™ is a powerful accessory for examining powders, optical coatings, opaque substrates, films on opaque substrates, and slightly curved solids by variable angle FT-IR reflectance spectroscopy. This accessory easily adapts for specular, ATR or diffuse reflectance measurements. The Seagull™ operates over a broad range of incident angles without misaligning the system, defocusing the incident radiation, or changing polarization. This makes it an extremely versatile and flexible tool for FT-IR spectroscopy. The Seagull™ also allows changes in the incident angle without interrupting the spectrometer purge. The Seagull™ is excellent for examining solids by specular reflectance or ATR, for studying liquids and films on liquids by specular reflectance, for depth profiling, and for determining optical constants.
- Multi-purpose, variable angle reflection attachment.
- ATR, specular (external), and diffuse reflectance capabilities.
- Continuously variable angle of incidence, from 5° to 85°.
- Focuses the incident FT-IR beam on the sample for all incident angles.
- Always centers the incident beam on the same area of the sample.
- Direct angular read-out for all measurements; no ATR angle correction needed.
- Maintains polarization for incident angles.
- No realignment of the accessory or repositioning of the sample required when varying the incident angle.
- High optical throughput.
- PermaPurge™ permits changes in angle without interrupting the purge of the FT-IR system.
Options available include:
- ATR Kit with ZnSe or Ge hemispherical crystals.
- Ming-Sung™ ATR Rotator for spectroscopy studies of oriented polymers available separately.
- Convenient ATR flow cells, troughs, powder, and variable temperature heated stages available.
- Reflectance Reference for mid-infrared absolute reflectance measurements.
- Wire Grid Polarizer.