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Heating Microscope Model 867 and ODP 868

TA Instruments - Waters LLCAvailable: Worldwide

Heating microscopy is a non-contact technique that, based upon an advanced image analysis of a specimen subjected to a thermal treatment reproducing industrial firing conditions, identifies several characteristic shapes and related temperatures key to the optimization of manufacturing processes in ceramics, metals, and alloys.

TA Instruments - Waters LLC

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The Optical Dilatometry Platform HM 867 is a stand-alone Heating Microscope that is a standard instrument for process optimization in the ceramics industry. A single camera on the optical bench frames the entire sample and records the sequence of the characteristic shape changes and the temperature throughout the experiment. This is ideal for identifying all key material change events including sintering, softening, full sphere, half-sphere, and melting. Dimension changes up to 100% can be measured. With a maximum temperature scanning rate of 80°C/min, it has a built-in purge gas system that enables the user to test specimens in air, oxidative, reductive and protective atmospheres. The heating microscope is available as a standalone instrument, HM 867, or as an option on the Optical Dilatometry Platform, ODP 868.

Result of over twenty years of R&D of optical instruments for the study of the thermo-mechanical behavior of materials, ODP 868 makes possible the analysis of samples beyond the limits of classical heating microscopy. Its versatility makes of ODP 868 the most innovative tool for production and R&D laboratories for the optimization of all the industrial processes that involve thermal cycles.

The Heating Microscope mode uses a 5Mpix high-resolution camera to study the physical behavior of the materials during the industrial firing cycles.

With the Morphometrics applicative it is possible, in real-time during the analysis, to automatically calculate and visualize different characteristic temperatures and parameters selectable by the user.

Capable to analyze samples in a wide range of shapes and sizes (for example a 3mm sample and simultaneously a 10mm sample), ODP 868 can simultaneously analyze up to 8 samples of ISO standard size.

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