Products & ReviewLife Sciences

Hybcell - DNA or protein microarray

Anagnostics' hybcell is the world's first DNA or protein microarray based on the use of cylinders instead of slides. hybcell technology is... KINETIC - by means of consecutive scans, FAST - with help of rotational sample agitation, FLEXIBLE - due to fixed starting temperatures, flexible temperature profiles and computer-controlled buffer exchange and EFFICIENT - by automated processing and electronically documenting of up to 9…

Anagnostics Bioanalysis

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Anagnostics' hybcell is the world's first DNA or protein microarray based on the use of cylinders instead of slides.

hybcell technology is...

KINETIC - by means of consecutive scans,

FAST - with help of rotational sample agitation,

FLEXIBLE - due to fixed starting temperatures, flexible temperature profiles and computer-controlled buffer exchange and

EFFICIENT - by automated processing and electronically documenting of up to 96 samples in a single run.

Product Overview
