Park NX10 AFM
The most accurate and high-resolution Atomic Force Microscope for small sample research
Great results and nice instrument to get.
Nanoscale characterization of thin films / 2D materials
Nice product. Various modes available for diverse range of applications.
Review Date: 28 Mar 2021 | Park Systems
Excellent control and precision.
Organic semiconductor thin film morphology
I have been using the Park NX10 from one and a half years. I am work on organic thin film based devices where surface morphology plays a crucial role in device performance. In order to get a qualitative understanding of the device's physics, the Park NX10 has been a crucial tool for me.
Review Date: 17 Apr 2020 | Park Systems
Park NX10 is a research AFM for wide range of application fields ranging from Polymers, Nanoelectronics, Photonic and Photovoltaic Applications, Biophysics and Physical Chemistry. It features the true non-contact AFM that prolongs tip life while preserving your sample, and flexure based independent XY and Z scanner for unparalleled accuracy and resolution. Powered by SmartScan™, automated operating software from Park, NX10 is capable of quicker, easier setup and more optimal data collection in only three mouse clicks.
Park NX10 is also available with SCIM module as a standard for nanoscale imaging in aqueous environments for a wide range of applications such as Cell Biology, Analytical Chemistry, Electrophysiology, Neuroscience
Key Technical Features:
- 2D Flexure-Guided Scanner with 50 µm x 50 µm Scan Range
- High Speed Z Scanner with 15 µm Scan Range
- Low Noise XYZ Position Sensors
- Motorized XY Sample Stage
- Step-and-Scan Automation
- Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy module