Pentapyc™ 5200e Gas Pycnometer
The Pentapyc 5200e is the ultimate gas pycnometer for measuring the true density and volume of powders, catalysts, pharmaceuticals, ceramics, carbons, building materials, rock core plugs, etc.

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I can highly recommend Pycnometers from QUANTACHROME.
Analyze Volume of a non- porous liquid dispersed over a woven polyethylene fabric.
This resolved an ongoing issue that could only be solved by using the pycnometer.
Review Date: 16 Dec 2015 | Quantachrome Instruments
The Pentapyc 5200e gas pycnometer permits up to five samples to be loaded and then purged simultaneously.
Each of the five samples is then automatically analyzed in sequence with no operator involvement. Balance (RS232), PC (ethernet) and printer (USB) connections are standard. A second USB port allows archiving of results to flash (thumb) drive.