Products & ReviewLife Sciences

Phosph-Free Block ELISA Blocking Buffer

Phosph-Free Block ELISA Blocking Buffer is a novel non-protein blocking formulation designed to eliminate interference and nonspecific background noise associated with antibody-coated ELISA formats and sandwich ELISAs.Phosph-Free Block is formulated for ELISAs using alkaline phosphatase detection or for assays with ultra-sensitivity requirements. However, it is appropriate for assays using HRP detection as well. Using inert no…

Immunochemistry Technologies LLC

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Phosph-Free Block ELISA Blocking Buffer is a novel non-protein blocking formulation designed to eliminate interference and nonspecific background noise associated with antibody-coated ELISA formats and sandwich ELISAs.

Phosph-Free Block is formulated for ELISAs using alkaline phosphatase detection or for assays with ultra-sensitivity requirements. However, it is appropriate for assays using HRP detection as well. Using inert non-reactive blockers, this synthetic blocking buffer reduces the amount of nonspecific binding of enzyme labeled conjugates to blocked plate surfaces. Use of this blocking formulation provides superior background performance without the use of conventional cross-reactive protein additives.

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