SimPrep Simple Automated Prep System
One dilution system for the whole lab
Time and Money Saver!
Dilutions for ICPMS - water, soil, plant, samples
The sampler/diluter is very easy to use, have not had any problems or issues with the diluter, very time saving, low maintenance.
Review Date: 25 Mar 2022 | Teledyne Labs
The best auto dilutor I have used!
Analyze hydromet samples
We dilute upwards of 500 aqueous samples per 24 hour period. This is the third dilutor that we have used in five years and it is without a doubt the best. It is very easy to use once the template is set up. We do have some trouble with our 10x dilution at times. We have not been able to pinpoint exactly what the problem is but think it may be related to syringe wear.
Review Date: 2 May 2019 | Teledyne Labs
Great product, the diluter is very time saving and accurate.
Dilutions for ICPMS - water, soil, plant, samples
The sampler/diluter is very easy to use, have not had any problems or issues with the diluter, very time saving, low maintenance.
Review Date: 1 May 2019 | Teledyne Labs
The SimPrep automated sample dilution system does more than just mixing and dispensing; it can automatically create: Spikes, Calibration Curves from predefined dilution factors, serial dilutions, internal standard additions, 1-to-1 and 1-to-many sample transfers (splitting), and acidified samples.